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Boulevard Príncipe Alfonso Hohenlohe Edif. Las Torres de Marbella Club
Mon - Fri 9:00 - 18:00

Legalisation & Apostille in Sweden

Legalization validates a foreign public document by verifying the authenticity of the signature and the quality of the authority that signs the document. Legalization does not certify the content of the document.

The Hague apostille is a more simplified procedure that has the same purpose as legalization and is applied between the States parties Opens in a new window in the Convention of October 5, 1961, by which the requirement for legalization of foreign documents is eliminated.

For more information on how to legalize and proceed with the apostille stamp in your country, please ask us and we will guide you further.

För legalisering och apostille i Sverige, vänligen klicka på denna länk: Legalisering & Apostille i Sverige

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